Swisspearl Group AG
About Company
Swisspearl stands for Swiss quality – worldwide.
We are a Swiss family-owned company group based in Niederurnen, Switzerland, only 45 mins from Zurich downtown in the beautiful canton Glaronia. At this location the industrial production facilities for fiber cement was founded in 1903. Since then we think in terms of future generations, and for decades we have been doing what we do best: Through curiosity, passion, and commitment, we turn natural raw materials into innovative, aesthetic, and sustainable products (from fibre cement to solar) for facades, roofs, interiors, and garden areas.
However, we are forward thinking and are building our company’s future day by day. With the acquisition of the Cembrit Group in June 2022, we have strengthened our already strong presence in Europe and are now heading towards becoming the powerhouse of fiber cement with today 2’400 employees.